Aim Rule 26

Cloudified Holdings is an AIM-listed shell company. The Company’s business purpose is to seek the acquisition of, or a merger with, an existing company.

Cloudified Holdings Ltd is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. This information has been disclosed pursuant to Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies and was last updated on 1 October 2024

Country of incorporation and main country of operation:
Country of Incorporation: British Virgin Islands, main country of operation United Kingdom.

Note as the company is not incorporated in the UK, the rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company. The company is not subject to and does not follow the UK Take Over Code.

Cloudified Holdings Ltd Registered Office is:

Blake Morgan LLP, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom. The Group’s BVI address is PO Box 173, MAPLES CORPORATE SERVICES (BVI) Ltd, Kingston Chambers Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands, British.

UK Companies House Reference: FC031798 / BR016868

BVI Reference Number: 1730012

Details of other exchanges or trading platforms:
The Company has not applied or agreed to have any of its securities (including its AIM securities) admitted or traded on any exchange or trading platform apart from AIM.

Restrictions on transfer of AIM securities There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company's AIM securities.

Registered holder Number of Ordinary Shares Percentage of Enlarged Number of Shares the Company is authorised to issue
Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 500,000 9.50%
Dowgate Capital Ltd 356,877 6.78%
Unicorn VCT 333,333 6.33%
Jonathan Cranston 400,000 7.60%
William Eyre 257,500 4.89%
Michael David Read 172,581 2.28%
Alex Hambro (Director) 33,700 0.64%
Ian Selby (Director) 41,599 0.79%
Total number of Shares in issue 5,264,212
Shares not in public hands 1.43%
This information was updated on: 1 October 2024
Nominated Adviser and Broker Zeus Capital Limited
82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ
Solicitors to the Company as to English Law Blake Morgan LLP
Apex Plaza Forbury Road Reading RG1 1AX
Legal Advisers to the Company as to BVI Law Maples & Calder
11th Floor 200 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HD
Auditors Haysmacintyre LLP
10 Queen Street Place London EC4R 1AG
Registrar Computershare Investor Services (BVI) Limited
Woodbourne Hall PO Box 3162 Road Town Tortola British Virgin Islands
Financial PR IFC Advisory Limited, 15 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AR
Company’s website

Board Composition

The board comprises of two directors with skill sets which are appropriate to the Company’s status as cash shell under AIM Rule 15.

The Board refers in its annual report and website its objectives and strategy, the principal risks facing the Group and the internal controls adopted to address such risks and how the Company proposes to fulfil its corporate governance objectives.

Meet The Board
Reports & results
The last admission document
Copies of circulars sent to shareholders in the last 5 years
Articles of association
Certificate of incorporation
Corporate governance code